An Australian father of three succumbed to an infection after he was dared to eat a gecko, News Corp Australia reports. David Dowell checked into Brisbane’s Mater Hospital on the beginning of December after he was experiencing serious pain just two days after his friends saw him eat a gecko. The publication details how David was a man who would never back down to a dare but unfortunately, it was his last.
After doctors diagnosed him with what they thought was salmonella, David began throwing up green vile, urinating black was was so bloated he looked as if he could be pregnant from the fluid that filled his lungs and began to leak into his stomach.
“His testicles were swollen up to grapefruits, and there was fluid leaking from them, and the (doctors) said that was normal, it was just all of the fluid in his stomach cavity,” David's mother told the publication. David was put into a coma to try and control the pain but did not wake up. David's family is now pursuing legal action against the hospital since the doctors didn't do proper procedures such as giving David a catheter.
“It was like they didn’t really care. The moment he got moved into the intensive care unit, that’s when they got serious," David's sister Hannah explained. “I want justice for David … or just answers. You don’t ever think anything like this could ever happen to you and then it does.”