Genshin Impact fox locations and how to catch them

Posted by Larita Shotwell on Thursday, September 26, 2024

Genshin Impact recently added a new mini gameplay for players with the Omni-Ubiquity Net gadget. Using the tool, gamers can now catch multiple types of wild animals in the open world of Genshin Impact.

There are a few new achievements that can be obtained from the gadget. However, once players get these achievements, many Omni-Ubiquity Nets are left in their hands. Thus, they can now use the remaining Nets to capture their favorite animals. This article lists several locations to catch the fox in Genshin Impact.

Locate the fox at these locations in Genshin Impact

Capturable animals can be spotted in the Archive by the net icon (Image via Genshin Impact)

There are three types of fox in Genshin Impact. All of them can be caught using the Omni-Ubiquity Net:

  • Snow Fox
  • Crimson Fox
  • Kitsune
  • Two foxes in Dragonspine (Image via Genshin Impact)
    Location of both foxes on the map (Image via Genshin Impact)

    The prime location to catch Snow Fox and Crimson Fox is north of the Snow-Covered Path in Dragonspine. Before approaching the animals, make sure to deploy Aloy to the team to not startle the foxes with the help of her passive skill.

    To catch wild animals, equip the Omni-Ubiquity Net from the Inventory and use it to convert the Elemental Skill to Net. Next, hold the Elemental Skill button to aim for the net and release the said button to capture the target animal.

    After catching one of the foxes, the other one will be alarmed and starts to make a run for it. So if the players are not fast enough, the animal might get away. In cases like this, they can just go to another location.

    Three Crimson Foxes can be spotted in Mt. Aocang (Image via Genshin Impact)
    Location of Crimson Fox on the map (Image via Genshin Impact)

    Three Crimson Foxes can be seen on Mt. Aocang near the lake. Players can teleport to Teleport Waypoint in Mt. Aocang and head northwest until they spot the foxes, just like in the image above.

    One Snow Fox is on the southeast of Entombed City - Ancient Palace (Image via Genshin Impact)
    Location of Snow Fox on the map (Image via Genshin Impact)

    Another location to catch Snow Fox is still in Dragonspine but southeast of Entombed City - Ancient Palace. Gamers can teleport to Waypoint northeast of Skyfrost Nail and head northeast to reach the fox's location.

    Kitsune on the outskirt of Inazuma City (Image via Genshin Impact)
    Location of the Kitsune on the map (Image via Genshin Impact)

    The last fox is Kitsune, and players can only find it in Inazuma. The best location to find this wild animal is on the outskirts of Inazuma City. After teleporting to the Waypoint in the area, gamers can spot around 3 Kitsunes. Furthermore, this animal will not be startled even if players approach them without Aloy in the team.

    For Genshin Impact gamers who love fluffy animals and want to put them in their Serenitea Pot, foxes are the best choice and can easily be captured using Omni-Ubiquity Net gadget.

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